Andrew Merriam

The Big .gay Launch Explainer


You want a .gay domain name! Clearly, you have good taste.

It’s not every day that a new domain extension launches, and of course .gay is itself special and historic in its own way. So, please allow us to explain the big picture of how the .gay launch works so you can best determine how, when, and where to buy!

Premium Names Explained

Not all domain names are created equal. Generally speaking, domains that are short or contain keywords with strong SEO and/or branding potential are more valuable. These “premium domains” were designated by us at the registry, and our registrar partners sell them at various price points depending on their own retail markup.

For instance, is an example of a very valuable premium name. We know that travel is a large, global industry and that LGBTQ travelers are not only sought-after clientele, but have unique considerations such as their personal safety when booking travel. Thus, you can imagine that many businesses, from big companies to small companies, would be interested in a domain like to reach LGBTQ customers. Thus, it has a higher cost than a domain like or Both of those examples are still great domain names, but they are not as universally sought-after, and therefore they are “non-premium” domains.  

Our premium names have a matching registration and renewal fee, meaning that the higher price is not just one-time but is an annual fee. This system has the benefit of deterring domain investing, where one person would register many .gay names only to sit on them until they can resell them at a much higher rate. In this way, the domains are often more readily available for individuals and small businesses that want to actually build .gay websites, rather than sit on a valuable name.

Early Access Period (EAP) Explained [September 8 – 15]

It is exciting any time a new domain extension launches because nearly any domain you can think of is available. Everyone old enough to remember the early days of .com has heard someone say something like, “If only I had registered back in the day.” The implication is clear: the earlier you secure domains, the better.

So, as we open up the entirety of .gay to both individuals and businesses, some will specifically be seeking out the most valuable names. The only way to fairly maximize this interest is to have an auction, of sorts.

The “Early Access Period” (EAP) is a Dutch Auction. A Dutch Auction refers to an auction that moves from a high price to a lower price until a buyer is found. This means that each day there is an additional, one-time fee and that it lessens each day over the course of a week, at which point EAP and its extra fees end.

Let’s continue to use the example, as it is indeed a very good domain name. You can imagine that both a major airline as well as a major hotel company could be interested in If the hotel company is REALLY interested, then they would either place a pre-order or register live on the first day of EAP. Assuming nobody else does that, and the competing airline company was waiting in hopes of getting it later in EAP or on the first day of GA, then the hotel company would successfully register, paying a one-time fee on top of the premium cost of so they can beat everyone else out. 

General Availability (GA) Explained [September 16]

Finally, on September 16th at 15:00 UTC (11 am Eastern; 8 am Pacific), all available .gay domains will be made first-come, first-served, and remain that way. It’s our official launch day, and the first day of General Availability (GA)!

If the .gay domain you want is not likely to be highly sought after (unlike, and if your business plan isn’t dependent on having that exact domain name, then you can likely wait until GA to register rather than worry about EAP. BUT, you should still consider placing a pre-order before GA so that you do not need to wait at your computer, refresh, search, add to cart, create an account, and race through checkout to register your .gay domain!

Pre-orders Explained

You can participate in the EAP and GA phases live, on the day they are occurring, OR you could place a pre-order for one of those phases. You would need to determine how important and valuable the domain is to you, and whether or not paying extra in EAP is worth it to ensure that you beat out the competition. Regardless, if you know you want the domain, you should place a pre-order for either EAP or GA, because then there is no need to sit at your computer on your preferred acquisition day.

Not all companies offer pre-orders, but many do. Of those doing pre-orders, some are only focused on GA pre-orders and others also offer EAP pre-orders. It depends on the registrar. We’ve done our best to organize your options here and will work with our registrar partners to ensure this information is updated should their plans change. 

Some registrars will charge you now for your pre-order, and others will charge you only once they acquire the name on your behalf. Regardless, all registrars will try at the exact instant that .gay is available to register all their pre-orders. Obviously only one instance of any domain can be successfully registered, and so if there is a competing pre-order from another registrar, then one will get the domain and the other will not. This does not depend on which person placed their pre-order first, but which registrar is able to get the domain first. We expect that refunds would be provided should you not get the domain, or that you would be charged only if the name is registered per your pre-order. However, payment and terms depend on the registrar, and you should understand their policies as you place your pre-order with your chosen registrar. 

Ready to get your name? 

Check out our list of registrars and choose the one that is the best fit for your needs!

The .gay Launch Explained

.gay is currently available, while also not yet available to the whole world. Confusing, right? We know, but this is standard procedure for any new domain extension. Right now, .gay is in its “Sunrise II” phase.

What is sunrise?

The .gay Sunrise II phase, which is now open, is a special registration window open to any verifiable trademark holder. If you have a registered trademark anywhere in the world via a reputable body (e.g., WIPO, USPTO, UKIPO, OHIM -EUIPO), you can apply for a sunrise registration in .gay. If you are a trademark holder and you wish to register your domain, you’ll find more information on our .gay Sunrise page.

Photo by Rui Magalhães on Unsplash

What’s next?

Due to the global pandemic, we made the decision to postpone the General Availability launch of .gay. The current Sunrise II phase closes on September 4.

RIGHT NOW, we are helping community groups, organizations, small businesses, and individuals that want to create digital Pride and connection during the global pandemic. Many organizations have had to shut their doors, many community locales are closed, and Pride events are being cancelled. We have a limited number of .gay names that we can activate early and we cannot imagine a better use for them. Our team will work with you to secure a .gay name and will waive all associated fees and help to get you online free of charge. If you would like to activate a .gay site to foster digital Pride, please submit a request via our online form.

September 8 – 15 “Early Access Period, where anyone can pay an extra fee to register a .gay domain. The extra fee lessens each day over the course of this one week. Ever heard of a Dutch auction? No?! Well, this is an example of one. The fees start rather high and get more affordable fast. The high fees reflect the fact that there are some very valuable .gay names coming out (I’m looking at you,!). 

September 16 “General Availability, aka LAUNCH DAY, is the day anyone, anywhere can register a .gay domain on a first-come, first-served basis. Prices for standard names will begin under $30; variability you see in retail is due to registrar markup or a possible premium name (still looking at you, Continue to check back with us, follow our socials, or consider a pre-order at registrars offering such services.

Waiting for Launch day? Join us at!

Feel good about your support of a historic internet launch: 20% of .gay registration revenue (not just profit!) is donated to GLAAD and CenterLink., making the switch from .com

Every new name brand using .design is exciting news for us at .design HQ, but we were particularly thrilled to learn about launching. This is because it was actually moving from to! Cheers for a more succinct, interesting, readable, and designful URL like! 

The site moved from to and was already full of content and engaging from the start.

The site moved from to and was already full of content and engaging from the start.

Of course, our community of designers and businesses using .design is now over 100,000 strong, and only a small percentage of them are name brands like Agoda. We track our name brand usage because it shows the credibility that we have all built together. The only reason that Agoda feels comfortable using, or Airbnb continues to grow into a vibrant destination, is because of the wider community of .design’ers. Like any company that has mastered content marketing, they are speaking to their target audience of designers and design-minded creators where they are already at: on .design domains. clearly fits into the pattern of large companies using a .design site to recruit for their design departments. However, they do not just fall into the pattern set by such notable companies as Facebook and Uber, but they lead (see, This is because they go beyond the pattern set by others, which tends to showcase a company’s goals, how the design department contributes, and introduces actual designers. speaks to the practical sides of employment too! They mention their benefits, their corporate focus on health and wellbeing, and how a position at Agoda will help you develop your career. They sell you not only on the big picture idea of working at Agoda but help you imagine how it will impact you on a daily, practical level.

Parts of the site link out to a legacy recruiting site for the rest of the country. It is clear from that site that the site was necessary to speak to designers in a language and mode that they appreciated. While the legacy site is built out and functions for all Agoda departments, the site bolsters the design department’s ability to claim design excellence. The site is functional, thoughtful, and beautiful in a way that the legacy site simply is not. 

We’re excited to see Agoda make the switch to .design. They are already leading the growing trend of using .design to recruit. Assuming the is successful at recruiting, they may have the opportunity to make some fundamental changes to how the rest of the company recruits and those legacy systems involved! 

We are proud to be the registry for .gay!

Photo: Mercedes Mehling, Portland Pride

Photo: Mercedes Mehling, Portland Pride

We are super excited to announce that we recently won the auction for the .gay TLD. This brings our portfolio to 4 TLDs.

We already know that our newest member of the family is a special one: .gay is an unprecedented opportunity to create a dedicated space on the Internet for a global population. LGBTQ+ history is a story of resilience, beauty, and community in the face of marginalization and persecution. Imagine for a moment how unique and historic this development is: can you imagine a .gay being introduced during the .com boom of the 90s, during the era of “Don’t ask, Don’t tell”? It’s easy to forget, especially in liberal America, exactly how far we’ve come. There are so many personal and social victories to celebrate and so many to still fight for.

Our work and company is about to change and grow in wonderful ways. We’re excited that .gay will allow us to support the visibility of gay and LGBTQ+ people, groups, and businesses around the world.

We will be updating our site as soon as we have details on launch. Right now, we’re hiring, we’re listening, and we’re building. Please get in touch to offer any help.